Friday, January 20, 2017

slow-blogging or fast-blogging?

I've a card for you today, cuz that's what I do, but before I get to it I've got something on my mind.

If you're reading this post, chances are you're a blogger too. And chances are you've asked yourself this question. Are blog readers becoming extinct?

If you're a blogger AND a blog reader, you'll definitely want to read this post I stumbled across. It's why we read blogs. For the good stuff like this post "The Death of Blog Comments".

I'm pretty new at it but loving Instagram - all those pretty pics - but I'm not contemplating giving up the blog. Yet. Though I've seen some are doing that, going strictly IG. Fast-blogging. Cuz slow-blogging does take more time.

But I enjoy binging on your blog posts. And I assume you like reading mine.

Therein lies the potential problem. One should never "assume" anything, remember. Do you actually read my posts? We'll see ;) So a request for my readers today. All seven of you.

Why do you come here? What do you like about my blog? What don't you like/need?

Do you come here only for the photos? Would you like more? Do you actually read my paragraphs about what the steps were and supplies I used? Are step by steps necessary or just tips about the tricky stuff? Do you like the personal stuff? Since you're the ones reading my blog, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

So did anyone come here looking for a card?!? First some (more) words. See, this is why I slow-blog, so I can blab to you about my cardmaking process ;) The onslaught of beautifully colored flowers in cardmakingland lately finally moved me to get out some flower stamps and some markers. Zig clean color brush pens to be exact. And face my demons. Cuz I can't color like the pros. And the demons won. Meet my card.

 I was inspired by the sketch at Seven Hills Crafts and the colors at House of Cards.

Used Wplus9 Beautiful Bouquet Ranunculus and Hello die, which are wonderful. As is the sparkly embossing powder. My watercoloring, not.

But. I'm not giving up. Come back tomorrow for my next attempt with the Zigs. And have a great weekend. I really do appreciate your coming by here. Let's hope slow-blogging might go the way of slow-food...

And that President Trump will slow it down a little before hitting "Tweet"...


Katy said...

Hello! This is an interesting point. If blogs go away-what will people on facebook forward? (usually it's opinion written on blogs) ;) I like Instagram too-but for me it's a little different than blogs. I like to see cards and scrapbook pages. And I like to see materials and or tips depending on what it is. Thank you for writing about this. :)

Katy said...

Oh! And your card is very pretty! I love those pink flowers! :)

Ruth said...

Oh now this is an interesting topic! I do like IG, but lately I've been struggling a lot with it and keeping up especially since they changed the algorithm and I lose people if I stop checking it some days. I started out by reading and commenting on blogs, and I'm slowly moving back to that platform because it's not quite so overwhelming as IG and doesn't seem to demand instant commenting. Having said that it still takes me a fair amount of time to get through them, so I've started setting time aside to read and comment properly. I enjoy your blog because your cards are so different and really interesting. I also enjoy reading about how you made them, so I do read the blurb about that. I also enjoy reading some personal stuff as it makes me feel like you're more than just a blog I read. Please don't stop blogging! I enjoy blogging, even if it does take me a long long time to just do one post, and I hope to continue and I hope people will read me. I also like that it's a record of what I've been up to and a holding place for the other things I do - like videos. A stopping off point as it were. Your post has really made me think about what I do!! Xx

Mac Mable said...

A very interesting topic...I come to admire your talent. I come to read your step by steps, I want to know how it is done. I am fascinated by techniques. When I go to blogs and they don't explain I am disappointed. You have a unique style and I love dipping into your blog. So for me reading blogs is inspirational, encourages me to try different things and sometimes/often to purchase crafty goodies too LOL x

Mac Mable said...

I so agree with your comments x

Daria Z. said...

Great topic, Maria! I am not a blogger myself, but I do enjoy visiting various card-making blogs like yours. I enjoy reading about the process and seeing photos of how a card came to be. I don't have an Instagram account; I have looked at some, but usually it's to get a sense of the person's style so I can follow their blog. Go figure.
Beautiful card - love the colors.

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

I am not a big fan of Instagram - I like blogs - I visit the ones that are worthwhile for me and while I not often read the whole write-up I will, if there is an interesting technique, that I want to learn about. Instagram floods you with too many pictures . If I have a specific question I go to Pinterest, not Instagram - not sure how you would find anything there anyhow - its all random. (....But perhaps not and I don't know how to use it.....) Enlighten me, if I am wrong. I also like comments on my blog much more that on Instagram.
Great card, by the way.

JenniferE said...

I sure hope blogging doesn't go away...I don't do or follow anything else, well G+. I look at lots of blogs, including yours, but don't always comment, sadly. There just isn't enough time in the day to do all that we want, is there? But to your card here....I really like it. No demons! The leaves have a weathered look

JenniferE said...

And the flowers really stand out next to them.

Darnell said...

You've touched a nerve with me with this, Maria. It's a topic I've been trying to find time to mention on my own blog and still plan to do. I may just refer to your post and copy this comment! So many of my friends have gone over to IG and I've been told, "If you want to see me, you need to switch to IG!" Really? Well, all righty then. What about me? If I don't switch to IG then you won't bother to ever come back and see me in Blogland? That was clearly the message I got.

The problem is I hate the whole "INSTA" mentality, especially with regard to our cards. Selfishly, I don't want to spend two hours on a card and know that viewers are going to spend 4.3 seconds looking at it, 'heart'ing it, and swiping away! That is so deflating and makes our effort at card art of no consequence. I know we make our cards mostly to bring a smile to whoever the recipient of our card is, but because of our experience in Blogland, we now also come to covet the recognition of other card artists who give us the gift of their time reading our words and admiring our art and the gift of love by leaving encouragement for our efforts.

So, yes, I READ every word of your posts! And enjoy them! I also come for the cards and love them! Just as importantly, we've also become friends, which I treasure! How you gonna become friends in 4.3 seconds (or is .34 seconds?!) once a day or twice a week? It's a pretty flimsy foundation for a friendship, IMHO!

But here's the thing I need to add, in all fairness. I'm old. I understand that younger crafters are just that, younger. They grew up with social media in a way I never did. They "get" it. I don't. I think perhaps we are just seeing that evolution - but I don't mind saying I don't care for it myself. I'm sad to see blogging and chatting and commenting and getting to know one another go by the wayside.

And, lastly, something that perhaps only applies to me, but there are physical considerations with peering at a phone, bent over. I have arthritis in my neck and lots of other places and, you know, the eyes aren't that great. But mostly, I would rather sit at my laptop or PC, in a STRAIGHT-UP position, then bent over. Simple as that. (I have yet to see anyone holding their phone straight out in front of them!) A minor point, but I thought Shirley you'd want my thoughts on that part of it. Hahahahaha!

Okay, well, now you're sorry you asked!

As for your card, I think it's beautiful! When I first got my Ziggies, I didn't get the hang of it either. What helped me was scribbling them first onto an acrylic block and applying the color with my aqua brush. I felt like it gives me more control because "pulling" the color out was not working for me and my color was just too heavy-handed unless I picked it up from the block. If that makes sense.

Love and hugs from one slowB to another!! Darnell

Darnell said...

Haha - I couldn't see how long my comment was because it was in the little box. Holy crap. Sorry about that!!

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Stunning card Maria! I, for one,love to hear how a card was inspired, the steps taken to achieve the design and, of course, the photos of the end result! I also like to read a little about the life of the blogger (not all the private stuff, just snippets of info that help us build a picture of the author/artist) and make us feel more like 'real' friends! I do post some pics to IG, but I prefer "slow-blogging" to coin your phrase, so I won't be going the "fast-blogging" anytime soon! Thank you for this thought provoking post! Have a lovely weekend! Hazel xx

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

I'm with you on this Mac!

Lisa Kind said...

I follow you on Feedly and read your posts. I of course want to see the beautiful cards you create, but also like to read how you created it. I don't post comments much cause I have lots of blogs I follow and it would take forever to comment on them all. But when I see something I really like I will leave a comment. I'd hate to see your blog go!

Becky Selecman said...

I subscribe to a lot of card-making blogs for several reasons. The main reason being I like to see the "pictures" aka cards and to see what supplies have been used. It's a good source for what's new in the industry, how to use products, and where to buy them. I also like to read through blogs that have the same stamps and dies I have in order to get some new inspiration. I don't have time to Tweet, use Instagram or read useless stuff on Facebook. Add Pinterest to the mix and I wonder how anyone can maintain productivity. I read blogs as an entertainment escape like watching a movie or television. I call and talk to my friends. I don't rely on Facebook to see whose cousin's aunt's fourth grandchild kissed their dog yesterday! Keep blogging please!

Annheidel said...

Your card is gorgeous! I much prefer blogs. I enjoy getting more details about how the card is made or what was used to make it. Sometimes I speed-read through posts, but I love the personality that comes through on a blog. :)

alexandra s.m. said...

I read your posts, love your cards and read the comments.
To me, insta and the like will never replace a personal blog.
I like to get to "know" the person, her voice, choices etc... and although Insta is fun, I feel it is extremely superficial. I've been fortunate to meet so many great friends through blogland, I'm sure just being on Insta would not have facilitate that.
I truly hope you will persevere, we will get through this, maybe it is just a phase or maybe it'll reinforce your followers' loyalty.
I wish you the best of luck and my, is your card beautiful!!


Michelle said...

I come and visit to see your beautiful cards, hear your latest news, and often you use innovative techniques and ideas that inspire me to try something different. I blog for the relationships as much as for sharing my latest card. I don't share my cards on IG because they are already available on my blog, on Pinterest, and on my FB page. My IG is for my photos (and every now and then an update on my art) - photos of cards are not the type of photos I put there. ;-) I don't want to just look at cards, I want to hear (read) the voice of the person who created it. I don't always comment because I'm a bit time-poor, but I always read the words that go with the post. :-) By the way, I don't think your card is as terrible as you seem to think. It may not be what you were aiming at, but it is very pretty! Keep trying. I have new Zigs too, and am learning how to use them.

Dorlene Durham said...

I have not moved onto IG mostly because I do like to read the "how to's" on projects and also the personal stuff. I'm amazed at the many blogging friends I have that I'll probably never ever meet in person but still call friends. I'm also 50+ so I may be a little old fashion. LOL

Loll said...

When I come to visit, I read every word of your post. I am interested in what you have to say, how you made the card, any tips and tricks you might learn about a technique or a product. I feel like I get to know you through your posts. How the heck with that happen on Instagram??!!

I know that many crafters only post on IG or FB ... but I'm interested in more than just taking a quick peek at a hand crafted card. I want more info.

I'm definitely one of the slow-bloggers and will continue to be. I have made many friends through my blog and I cherish those friendships.

I come to your blog because I admire your unique style, creativeness and innovation that you bring to each and every card you make. You are inspiring and I learn a lot from you.

I hope you'll keep on blogging for a long time Maria. xx

Diane Jaquay said...

I think there's room for both blogs and Instagram, and I use both. I do enjoy reading the "how to" of how a card was made, and knowing what supplies someone used. On Instagram I sometimes see a card and think, WOW, but wonder "now how'd they do that?!" If I really need to know I can ask the person or search out their blog if they have one. However I've made LOTS of wonderful friends on Instagram that I probably never would have met or known about otherwise. I received so many Christmas cards from around the world this past Christmas, and most of them were from friends I've made on Instagram. I enjoy sitting down in the evening and scrolling through my Instagram feed, oohing and aahing over the creations, and often leaving comments. Perhaps we get out of Instagram what we put into it, and I really appreciate when people leave me a comment on something I've posted there and always try to visit their feed even if I don't subscribe to it. Before Instagram, several years ago, I subscribed to dozens upon dozens of blogs and I never felt like I had the time to visit them all and read everything and leave comments, which was frustrating to me. Now I subscribe to perhaps 20 or so blogs, not in a feed but I get them directly in my email inbox, which I prefer, but it does take more time to look at them that way. I find that Instagram lets me "meet" many more people, or I guess I should say I have time to meet many more people on Instagram then I would through blogs. As for my own blogging, I try to let people know how I made a card and the supplies I use, but I'm not a "writer", it doesn't come naturally to me, and the chit chat that some bloggers find so effortless is hard for me to do. As I said in the beginning, I enjoy both blogs and Instagram, but at this point if I were forced to choose just one I'd have to stay with Instagram.

Diane Jaquay said...

I didn't really answer your question in my last comment lol! I come to your blog to see your cards and how you made them. I love your originality and creativity. The blogs that I now subscribe to are a combination of personal friends blogs and those who's work inspires me.

shirley-bee said...

Looks like you got more than seven ;)
Very thought-provoking piece. I visit you because I love to see how you were inspired to make a card; how that inspiration translated into the finished piece; your inventiveness; your witty writing; snippets of you and your life; and because you're my friend.
BTW - if I'd made that card, I would be well happy. I love the smudgy colours, and by using sparkly embossing powder and greys/neutrals for the leaves, and the placement of the diecut sentiment and dots, you've made a very elegant and sophisticated-looking card. You underestimate yourself.

Esther said...

Well, I came to comment on your beautiful card, but I've also lingered for ages reading the comments and the blog post you linked to! Really good points by everyone. I would be very sad to see commenting and connecting falling by the wayside in Blogland. It means so much to know others have liked your art work, especially for any craft bloggers where we know how much effort goes in to each creation! Speaking of which... back to your card... what a beauty! The ranunculus are spectacular, and I adore that scripty 'hello'. Darnell's tip about using an acrylic block with Zigs is a great one. I only occasionally remember to do so, with Zigs and Distress Inks, but it always gets a better result when I do. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Seven Hills Crafts this month and hope we'll see you again soon :)

Donna Nuce said...

Hello! I do read your blog on Feedly so I don't always come back to the original post to make a comment. Yes, I love looking at pictures but enjoy comments you make about the creative process and product recommendations. I hope blogging doesn't die. Instagram is a pain because you must post from your phone. I like to upload my card photos to my computer before posting on my blog.
Back to your card - love the loose watercolor look you acheived. I don't believe watercolor should be so tight and controlled. The surprises are what makes it fun and beautiful. Have a great day!

Anita in France said...

You've started something here, Maria! First your card ... it's beautiful, I see no sign of demons and those Zigs clearly love being in your talented hands! Now, the rest ... yes, I read everything ... I come here to see the unexpected, enjoy your 'asides' and humour, to learn, and because your blog has you in it! I'm not on any social media platforms, nor am I on Instagram (don't have a mobile phone), and honestly don't really understand the drive for instant everything. Seems the more instant everything there is available, the more people want, and the less time anyone has to personally engage with others. Are we heading towards a Wall-E kind of existence I wonder! Me ... nope ... I like being part of this slow blogging community! Hugs, Anita :)

Susanne Vargas said...

Wow, Maria! What an interesting blogpost, article, and comments, too! I will try to put my thoughts into words, which is not always easy for me... Where to start?

Maybe with your questions. I have been following your blog for a long time and like to see what you come up with. Love your sense of humor and enjoy reading tidbits of your life in Germany (I probably should do more of that on my blog but I never know what to share and what not) but I have to admit that I don't always read the step-by-step process, just because I don't have enough time. (And that all goes for all the blogs I follow. On my blog I often don't even explain how I made a card because I feel most people know and hope the other ones would ask. But from the comments you got I can see that some really want to read step-by-step instructions, hmmm).

I also don't comment on every blogpost I read, again because I don't have time. I find I already spend too much time with comments, time I could spend actually creating. Maybe I follow too many blogs... Unlike you and lots of other dear bloggers who leave beautifully written comments I struggle with how to not always just say "awesome", like the article mentions.

What is important to me is the list of supplies. Some bloggers don't share them and when I see something I love and then don't know who makes the product it bothers me.

About social media: I don't particularly like facebook and don't spend much time there. I have loved Instagram long before stampers discovered it because I love photography and like that it is about the picture and not so much what people have done today or think about like on facebook. I don't expect comments there and rarely leave one (don't like typing on the phone). There have been only a couple of blogs that I have stopped reading and only follow on Instagram. Usually I still follow the blog. So when I see a card on a blog that I like but don't have time to comment I can "like" it on Instagram. My Instagram is not so much for the stamping community. From the comments I can see why some people don't like it and call it fast blogging. Writing a blogpost, editing the pictures, etc. takes up a lot of time that I don't always have but posting something on Instagram is much easier and faster. Although I never post cards there that are not featured on my blog. (Don't know if this all makes sense or if I explained it well enough)

Phew! I think I covered everything. You can be sure that this was the longest comment I ever left anywhere! Thanks for bringing it up! Now I'm wondering about your thoughts: Do you think I should add more personal stuff? And more explanations about the process?

And finally to your card: I think it's very pretty! Maybe it came out differently from what you envisioned (happens to all of us, I think, but the others don't know the picture in you head). Love the color scheme and the white die cut.

So keep on creating and writing please!

Jane Knudsen said...

Hi Maria, What a great post! And I enjoyed reading everyone's comments as well! I am afraid I will be a slow blogger. I am late to the blogging game and enjoy creating the posts as much as the cards. So I am not quite ready to switch to the insta anything. I enjoy learning how crafters "created" and not just looking. That said, I don't visit your site very often and am here on behalf of House of Cards. I am happy to be here, read your thoughts, and enjoy your creations. I appreciate the soft colors that you have along with the vibrancy of the flower! Beautiful! Thanks for joining us at House of Cards. I look forward to popping in from time to time to see what you are up to!

Hannelie said...

Hi Maria. Interesting to read. I also love Instagram, but see it a bit as a window to my blog. Don't think I will stop the slow blogging as you call it. I come back to your blog because I love your creative style, love your 'vibe' and believe that one can 'connect' or not , to someone on line just like you 'connect' or not IRL! I don't always read everything, tbh, depending on time available, but always LOVE to pop over and keep the connection alive ;)
Hugs ♥

LeslieT said...

Love everything about this! Thanks so much for sharing with us in the House of Cards "Add A Building and/or Colors" challenge!
Leslie, House of Cards DT
Love To Scrap 2

Unknown said...

So beautiful card! Thanks for sharing with us in HOC...Enjoy. Paula.

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