
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

25 days of christmas tags 2018 - part 2

So I'm making sets of tags as neighbor gifts this year... thanks to Tracey's 25 days of Christmas tags.

Without further ado, here are my next three.

For Day 1 with Simon Says Stamp I was inspired by Ankita's simple tags layering a piece of die cut vellum over die cut PP. So happy I got to use up some more PP ;)

 Papertrey Tag Sale #1 die
Simon Says Stamp Holy Stars die
Simon Says Stamp Winter Scene stamp
white embossing powder

For Day 3 with Concord and 9th I was inspired by Jessica's inked beauties (and I also happen to have just the stamp she used). To save some time since I'm making sets, I swiped mini ink pads across my CS before die cutting the tags. Then I heat embossed onto them using my MISTI. Dressed a few up with sequins.

Concord and 9th O Christmas Tree stamp
white embossing powder
Altenew inks

For Day 10 with Studio Katia, I loved the watercolored poinsettias by Tracy. When I thought about making multiples I decided to do some stamping and then soften the ink by spritzing with water/moving the ink with a waterbrush rather than watercoloring all those stamped images.

 Papertrey Tag Sale #3 die
Distress inks
gold embossing powder

Pretty artsy fartsy. But I've a friend who will certainly appreciate them. And you gotta love the shimmer from a spritz of perfect pearl mixture!

I'll be back with more. So happy Tracey's challenge spurred me to create my neighbor gifts for Christmas in November! Thanks Tracey!

I'm also joining in at:
Addicted to Stamps - AG with option ribbon (#3)
Stamping Sensations - Get Ready for Christmas (#3)
Crafty Hazelnut PP Challenge - November (#1)
Happy Little Stampers - Watercolor November (#3)


  1. Oh WOW! What a fantastic collection of tags you have created!Just so you know, your link to this post isn't working properly but I managed to find you :D Thank you for sharing with us at Craftyhazelnut's PPC XXX

  2. Fabulous sets of tags, these will make beautiful gifts.

  3. Another set of delicious tags, Maria ... the shimmer on the spritzed poinsettia is gorgeous ... love the depth of colour behind the Christmas trees ... and what a lovely luxurious look the die cut vellum over pp adds to your first set! Hugs, Anita :)

  4. many wonderful tags! You will be more than ready to add these to your holiday gifts. Thank you so much for joining Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags!

  5. Lovely set of tags

    Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month

  6. Wow, these are all wonderful tag sets. You are going to make some lucky gift recipient very happy. Thanks so much for playing along at Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags.

  7. My you have been bust making some lovely tags, many thanks for joining in with our 'Get ready for Christmas' theme at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  8. What a lot of beautiful tags did you make. Stunning colours.
    Thank you for joining the challenge at Addicted To Stamps Challengeblog.
    Greetings Miranda (ATSC)

  9. So much to love about these tag sets! The (shortcut?) watercoloured poinsettias might just be my favourites. Total wow. So glad you joined us - again! - for the 25 Days of Christmas Tags event!

  10. Lots of beautiful tags, you have been busy! Thanks for joining our challenge at Stamping Sensations and at Addicted to Stamps. Marlies

  11. Your ombre tags are fabulous! I'm thinking I'll be CASEing today ;) Thanks for the inspiration mf!

  12. Fantastic sets of tags!
    The third set are my favourite!
    Really enjoying taking part in
    25 Days of Christmas Tags
    So much inspiration!
    Susan Renshaw
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

  13. Beautiful shimmery tags! Thank you for sharing your card at Happy Little Stampers Watercolour Challenge.

  14. Great cards - thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge.

    Helen x


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