
Monday, November 19, 2018

25 days of christmas tags 2018 - part 1

Tracey's 25 Tags event came into my reader as I was pondering what to make for neighbor gifts this year... Now I know. And have already made a few sets of tags. Wanna see?

Without further ado, here are my first three.

For Day 2 with Altenew I was inspired by Norine's simple tags in kraft and light blue and made this set. And used up some PP ;)

Can you see the sparkle of the glitter CS and the glitter embossed sentiment? Such fun contrast to the kraft CS.


For Day 4 with Reverse Confetti I was inspired by Tracey's little gnome set in a cute scene. I used to be so afraid of little scenes, cuz they require coloring, but I bought myself a couple of "cute" sets with dies and am slowly expanding my horizons ;) This set is for the family DD babysits for. And did I mention how great it is to use up some of my PP stash!

Reverse Confetti Gift Card Holder Tag die
circle punch

For Day 5 with Newton's Nook, I loved the ornament shaker tags by Jennifer. When I thought about making ornament tags that could also be hung on a tree, I decided they needed to have lots of shiny gold. So I pulled out a PP pack with lotsa gold (did I mention how great it is to use up stash?!?) and these happened. Quite an exercise in engineering... how to include that dangling star embellishment between all the layers but in front of the acetate ...

Create a Smile Schone Bescherung stamp
craft foam

And these additional tags happened with the leftovers from the shakers!

Charlie und Paulchen Frohe Weihnachten die

I'll be back with three more tomorrow. So happy Tracey's challenge spurred me to create my neighbor gifts for Christmas in November! Thanks Tracey!

I'm also joining in at:
Addicted to Stamps - AG with option ribbon (#2)
Stamping Sensations - Get Ready for Christmas (#2)
The Paper Girls - Wanna build a Snowman? (#2)
Crafty Hazelnut - Christmas (#2 no buttons but bells!)
Crafty Hazelnut PP Challenge - November (#1, #2, #3)
SSS Wednesday - All that glitters is Gold (#3)


  1. You have been busy making all these wonderful tags. They all look great. Thanks for joinig our challenge at Stamping Sensations and at Addicted to Stamps. Marlies

  2. Well done on a lovely collection of tags! Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations.

  3. Adorable and festive tag sets for your neighbors, Maria. I have been inspired by Loll's 12 days tag challenge. I have made 10 tags to go on my plates of Krumkake cookies for friends. Homemade little gifts are so special during the holidays. Thank you so much for sharing yours. I can't wait to see more:-) Hugs..Nancy

  4. Such a super collections of tags and in such prety shapes, many thanks for joining in with our 'Get ready for Christmas' theme at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  5. Lucky neighbours, Maria ... these are all brilliant! I'm especially taken with the hanging star ornament shakers ... such a cool and festive look! Hugs, Anita :)

  6. A lovely collection of tags

    Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month

  7. So many incredible and fabulous how you made sets of each, very smart! Thank you so much for joining Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags!

  8. Oh what a fabulous selections of tags, not sure I could choose a favourite they so brilliant.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  9. Brilliant idea to create gift sets of tags for your neighbours! These are absolutely marvelous! I'm especially smitten with the sweet deer and snowman; whimsical and wonderful! So happy to see you in the gallery!

  10. They are all so fab! I am not very good at doing tags. I rather think it's a waste of time, but you've reminded me what a lovely gift addition it is. I really love the critters. Don't fear the critter!!! xx

  11. Such a fabulous assortment of tag sets! All the tags I've been making, and I think I've only made one set so far, duh. :P So glad you joined us for the 25 Days of Christmas Tags event!

  12. Super selection of tags! Love the ornament ones!
    Really enjoying taking part in
    25 Days of Christmas Tags
    Susan Renshaw
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

  13. Great design. Thank you very much for sharing at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned paper Challenge.


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