
Sunday, September 25, 2016

pti september blog hop

It's that time of the month again! Papertrey Ink's blog hop time, that is. And I must admit when I first saw this photo I wasn't all that enthused. But it really grew on me. Really.  "modern nature" meets cinammon sticks!

And since it's coffee time of year, you know, the Fall Coffee Lovers Blog Hop time courtesy of the lovely Amy T., please meet "modern nature" meets coffee.

Dies and stamps from Papertrey. Laurel Wreath die from Essentials by Ellen. Sentiment from STAMPlorations. PP from Fancy Pants. Basta.

Seems to me that coffee goes best with Fall :) Already made my first batch of this Pumpkin Spice Latte syrup! Enjoy the hop. I know I will.


  1. Amazing card, Maria! You combined the materials and colours so well to match the inspirational photo. Bravo! - Sweet Kobylkin

  2. Oh it's inspired! I wouldn't know what to do with that sketch at all, but the patterned paper is just perfect and frames the rest of your little scene. I like the wreath - makes me think of laurel wreaths for the Greek games. xx

  3. Beautiful card. Love the layout and those polka dots with the wreath and hearts. Great combo.

  4. P.S. Thanks for sharing the link to the syrup too. I have been wanting to make something like this for my home PSL's.

  5. Love the brown/green/white colors and your interpretation of the photo inspiration is sweet! :)

  6. Super cute card, Maria! I like the PTI inspiration image, too, and notice that I pinned it earlier this week to my 'gift wrapping board' ha! Great job!

  7. what a fabulous take on the inspiration photo... love it!!

  8. Darling card Maria! I love the polka dots!

  9. Fabulous!!! OH do I second the motion on the polka dots AND the coffee!

  10. Lovely card! Love the colors! Elegant!

  11. Wonderful take on the inspiration photo!

  12. SUPER fun + perfect-o! Love the different elements you combined...awesome job on the inspiration photo!

  13. LOVE this design Maria. Awesome! xx

  14. Oh yes, Maria ... first coffee! Fabulous card ... crisp and texture-y ... and it has polka dots! Hugs, Anita :)

  15. Maria, your card is simply gorgeous CAS card! Love it!


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