
Thursday, May 28, 2015

day 4 ARTplorations stencil blog hop

Welcome ! We have been exploring the plethora of beautiful designs available in the shop. My card today uses Daisy Dance, which was designed to work with the daisy image from Bloom Sketches too.

If you saw my project for day 3, you know I had a spatial thinking issue with this stencil. I had to give it another go.

Distress inks with ink daubers, the stencil AND the stamp this time. And I'm very pleased with the result.

The heat embossed white sentiment on vellum is nothing new, but this piece of vellum was laying around when I reached for vellum and I decided not to trim it and attach it along the top like I usually do, but rather with a strip of stitching down the left side. I love how the air underneath it diffuses the BG a bit. I also love that new-to-me DI color, Victorian Velvet which is behind the daisies.

So today and tomorrow are extra days over at the blog. But you can join in now by making a card with a stencil and hooking up here. You can also check out my teamies' extra projects and the prizes up for grabs.

I'm playing with the gals over at Seize the Birthday where it's Anything Goes.

Thanks for coming by today. Have a great day.


  1. What a fantastic job with laying the colors!! Your flowers look like they came straight from the garden!!

  2. Love the vellum stitched to the fab sunny flower base. :)

  3. You should be pleased~ This is BEAUTIFUL!! Well done~

  4. Gorgeous card - love the tattered edges on the vellum!

  5. love the stitching and the torn edge on the vellum - I just wrote a blog post using a similar technique :o)

  6. Stunning card - I love your use of the vellum to soften the card - very pretty!

  7. You should be pleased...this is gorgeous. Great color combo and the stitched, vellum sentiment really set the background off.

  8. Its beautiful ! the bg Almost looks like printed on fabric and the vellum touch looks fab :)

  9. Love the effect of the vellum on your beautiful background

  10. This is soooooooooooooooooo pretty, the stitched vellum is a cool touch :)

  11. The Victorian Velvet color looks wonderful with your daisies, another beauty with this stencil!!

  12. Very pretty colours you used for the flowers. Love the vellum. Hugz

  13. Very bright card, love how the vellum is attached and torn!

  14. Wow!! LOVE this card Maria!! Amazing background and love the torn and stitched edges of the vellum. xx

  15. Such bright and springy colors!

  16. Soooo Pretty and lovely stamping and the stitched vellum created the magic too!

  17. Vellum stitched on one side and torn on the other - it looks fantastic on your amazing background.

  18. So pretty, one of my favorites from the hop.

  19. I'm smitten by how you've showcased two of my favourites - the daisy stencils and stamps. Incredibly pretty!

  20. LOVE this card, especially the vellum. Perfect! X

  21. Ooooo! So pretty. :)

  22. Orange is my fav color so I love this card... and it's totally fab that you left the side of the vellum jagged - so fun. And how wild is it that the Victorian Velvet looks so wonderful behind orange - WOW. j.

  23. Love your colours Maria, and the vellum overlay is fabulous

  24. Just so pretty, Maria ... that vellum sentiment overlay over those gorgeous colours is lovely! Anita :)


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