
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

day 2 ARTplorations stencil blog hop

It's day 2 of the ARTplorations stencil blog hop and who doesn't love stencils? My next card brings you more flowers, this time using Tulip Prints.

When I saw this stencil I knew I wanted to give it a go in the style of Marimekko. I've been a fan since my college days thanks to my roomie. Which reminds me... I graduated from Hillsdale College 30 years ago this month! Cripes I'm old.

I used Distress Inks and ink daubers to color the tulips. I temporarily plugged the holes of the tulips I didn't want to color with the little masks Shery includes with the stencil. What a great way to avoid mistakenly getting ink where you don't want it!

When done inking, I traced the two tulips with a a fine black marker. After removing the stencil I went over them with a thicker black marker. TIP: Do the tracing first and inking second so that  if you end up with wonky looking leaves you won't be too committed to pitch it and start
over ;)

I was inspired by fabric, remember? Thus the textured CS, the gingham PP strip along the left edge and the wrapped thread, albeit, gold metallic. Because gold.

And like in yesterday's card, I couldn't bring myself to cover up any of the stencilled area with a fancy sentiment banner so I added a fussy cut heat embossed sentiment from STAMPlorations Fond Expressions!

I'm playing at Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Challenge "Stencil It" with this card too.

Check out the projects from my teamies and a list of all the fabulous prizes up for grabs here. Have a look and have a great day. Thanks for visiting :)


  1. What a pretty card ! I loved the card design very much !

  2. Love how you used the marker and left some of the flowers blank and colored in some flowers. Great job!

  3. Love how you left some of the tulips as outlines, it will be 41 years since I started uni in September !

  4. I love Marimekko, too! Great card with fun colors!

  5. You've achieved your Marimekko reminiscent of those lovely textiles. Love the string and the fussy cut sentiment.

  6. Beautiful card. She brings with her a lot of joy.

  7. Such a pretty card - love how you used the silver string to complete the card - very inspirational:)

  8. What a gorgeous card - I love the warmth of the orange shades - so pretty.
    Thanks for playing along at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this week.
    Caryn xxx

  9. Beautiful card! So adorable! X

  10. This is amazing. Love the combination of sponged and outline images, the net of twine is such a cool idea too. X

  11. Really unique and artistic design, love this!

  12. Beautiful, Maria...nothing like colourful tulips to brighten a you've done with my day (and it needed brightening...grrrrr happening)!

  13. Interesting design. Love the b/w tulips amongst the colour ones. Hugz

  14. Now this just screams summertime fun. I always forget about this stencil because it's hidden way behind the non-STAMPlorations ones. Thanks for reminding me!

  15. Cute card - love the design and those adorable flowers!

  16. This is really pretty! I love that stencil!

  17. SO summery and SO pretty! Love your take on the fabric design.

  18. Perfect base for those beautiful tulips! I like this card very much!

  19. Lovely Cheery card! Love it and the tulips are awesome ♥

  20. Love every detail of this card...the criss-crossing thread...the fuzzy cut sentiment...the outlined tulips...everything!!!

  21. What a beautiful card ..Fabulous way to highlight the stencils everything about it !!

  22. Love the contrasts on this card, the colours and the textures. Wonderful!!

  23. Very beautiful! Love the technique!

  24. Beauty ! Love the cool way to add the gold thread :)

  25. Gorgeous your sweet orange posies!

  26. you know what Maria
    I thought it was a glass of lovely orange syrup
    but it is flower
    I looveeee how you blended the color thanks for the inspiration will try this too.
    hugs, Monika

  27. Love how you left 2 flowers without colour; very effective

  28. Screamingly beautiful!!! Great textures and cool colors, Looooooove it!

  29. I love this bright and beautiful card with contrasting colors and some texture.

  30. Super fun card. Lovely colors with the pop of black too.

  31. Maria - this is my fav of all your cards on this blog hop... somehow I missed it going thru the first time - errrrr. I love orange and love gingham and love your sentiment. If I received this card... I would keep it forever - it's PERFECT!!!!!! j.

  32. Maria - this is my fav of all your cards on this blog hop... somehow I missed it going thru the first time - errrrr. I love orange and love gingham and love your sentiment. If I received this card... I would keep it forever - it's PERFECT!!!!!! j.

  33. Bright, vibrant, fun and so creative, Maria ... fabulous colours, such a great contrast to the outline tulips ... love how you've gone 'fabric-y' with the thread and the gingham panel! In serious catch up mode ... I'll be back! Anita :)


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