
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

guest designing at card concept 32

Lucky me, joining the lovely and incredibly talented ladies at The Card Concept this month. And getting to play around in the Mixed Media category too!

If the inspiration photo for challenge #32 doesn't make you happy, don't know what will. For me, it evokes feelings of summer. Those blooms. The Ball jar. I can just feel the breeze coming in through an open window...

So how did I approach this Mixed Media-wise? Well wanting to use multiple mediums and techniques to create texture and dimension, first I stamped my card front with Stampendous Floral Tapestry. Then I watercolored a couple blooms with orange. (And later, cuz I'd forgotten it, a couple leaves with green. Consider that my pint. As in, gallon-quart-pint, remember that?)

Then I dabbed orange acrylic paint through a Craft Emotions Folklore Flowers stencil. BTW, anyone know a trick to get the dried paint off the stencil??? I waited too long and soap and water aren't working and the design is very delicate so I can't really scrub it!

Next I applied gesso over the front. Twice. I was going for a floral-wallpaper-in-Grandma's-house feel and I knew I needed it subdued in the center where my focal image was going to be...

Enter focal image. A NBUS Tim Holtz Bell Jar die. But first I applied alcohol inks to acetate - I forgot to snap the photo before I die cut so just placed them back into the remnants to show you. Die cut the bottoms from woodgrain PP.

So in case you didn't notice first time around, go back and check out the sweet cupcakes surreptitiously posing in the background of the inspiration photo... I had originally planned to house a nice big sentiment under the bell jar, but then STAMPlorations Sketched Cupcake came to mind and...

I heat embossed the image on white CS and turned it into a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting! Fussy cut it and adhered it to my card.  Popped the bell jar base up on foam adhesive, capturing the bottom edge of the acetate too. Created a tiny tag punched with a border punch to mimic a doily and stamped the sentiment onto it before attaching it to the acetate with twine. I used a bit more foam adhesive on the back of the tag to hold the tag in place and attach the top portion of acetate.

TIP: Adhering acetate with dimensional adhesive allows it to really add some WOW to your card but visible adhesive is a problem. Hide it behind other card elements!

Thanks mucho for coming by today. I'm so happy I could share my Mixed Media project with you.  Can't wait to share my next guest designer project with you on April 15th.  I hope you'll peruse the Card Concept DT's works of art. Don't you love to learn more about card styles with every new challenge?

If you stop by later today, I'll be sharing another Mixed Media project - more flowers...

I'm hooking this card up over at A Sprinkle of Imagination (I've used Sailboat Blue and Stream Alcohol inks) where it's an Anything Goes this time around. And I'm joining the fabulous fun at Darnell's NBUS #4 too.

ETA: Have you seen Virginia's new challenge? #14 Layers and Dimension. I'm in.


  1. Wowzas!!! This is beautiful!! I love the look of that acetate and alcohol ink! Congrats on the guest design gig.

  2. Love your Mixed Media creation!! Congrats on being our Guest Designer for April and I cannot wait to see the rest of your designs :-)

  3. WOW!! Gorgeous card Maria!! Your creativity simply blows my mind!!

  4. Congrats on your Guest design :) your card looks awesome!! Thank you for sharing the process :)

  5. SO much fun to see your creative process, Maria! Love the layers and dimensions that you had achieved with these fun techniques! I appreciate your participation! So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View “Layers and Dimensions” Challenge!

  6. Congrats on your GDT spot! I guess I should play....will try to find some time! Fabulous card - loved seeing the process!

  7. Congratulations of your GD spot, Maria! Your tutorial is brilliant ... and what an amazing card ... brilliant techniques and such a yummy cupcake! Anita :)

  8. What a gorgeous mixed media card! Just stunning!

  9. What a gorgeous mixed media card! Just stunning!

  10. Congrats on guesting! Stunning card!

  11. Super scrumptious card Maria!! LOVE the bell jar. So glad t o have you guesting this month at TCC:)

  12. Super scrumptious card Maria!! LOVE the bell jar. So glad t o have you guesting this month at TCC:)

  13. Wow ... this is so amazing Maria. Thanks for sharing your step-by-step process. LOVE the blue and orange, and love the yummy cupcake!! xx

  14. Maria, your card is so creative! Stunning card!!

  15. You thrill and confound me with your technique savvy and your incredible talent, Maria! I sit here positively mesmerized!! This is other-worldly amazing to me! I apologize for being so late in coming to comment and thank you for playing in my NBUS Challenge #4. Life and Easter company got in my way this time, but I really appreciate that you came out to play with me!! I hope you had a lovely Easter! Hugs, Darnell


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