
Sunday, December 7, 2014

roses in december

Death comes in threes. Do you believe that? I don't know, but there are certainly times when there are more deaths in my world than at other times. DH thinks it has to do with the gray days of November. Who knows. I know it's a part of life (isn't that paradox?). But it's a sucky part of life.

There's one quote I always turn to to seek comfort. Or to write on a card. I used it on this card .

Memories. All that's left when the loved one is gone. I have a couple rose bushes that, even without leaves, still proudly display a couple buds in December. And that makes me smile. Thanks, God. For roses and memories.

So, the card. Roses. Because roses! It also happens to be a stamp designed by the recipient. Blue. Well I feel a bit blue. Hole-y die cut. The holes represent something missing. Splodging. Because splodging.! Gold thread. Well, just cuz. Gotta be something to bring a smile, right?

Shirley-bee, I hope you've received the card by now. And I hope you have lots of wonderful memories to eventually bring you roses in December.


  1. Heartwarming card, Maria. I hope she's received mine as well...

  2. Made me cry. And smile :) Thank you

  3. You are a deep soul, Maria, and a generous and kind and thoughtful one. And you are blessed to have a wonderful talent to be able to express all those things in one beautiful card. Thanks, God. For Maria. Happy Holiday Hugs! Darnell

  4. Aww...simply, beautiful! Love your story behind everything.

  5. A beautiful card paired with a most touching post. Sending prayers Shirley's way; hopefully, she'll find comfort with the cards and the posts of sweet friends like you and Shery! I echo Darnell: Thanks, God, for Maria. You've blessed her with a heart of warmth and compassion....

  6. Beautifully put, Maria, beautifully created card for Shirley. Anita :)


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