
Saturday, July 5, 2014

alles gute zum geburtstag

Judging by the number of birthdays in July, TV must be at its worst in October ;) Speaking of TV... Remember the show "Name that Tune"? Can you name that cardmaker in five words? - MIXED MEDIA ONE LAYER CARD

Need more clues? Videos accompanied by Mozart. Stamping Royalty 2014 Honorable Mention. She illustrates stamps. She's a ghostwriter. She owns a gazillion domains (what does that mean anyway?!?) She's self-proclaimed OCD, which is a really great thing cuz she's one crazy-organized leader for our DT and I totally love her for that!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Shery R. of STAMPlorations!!!!!!!!!!

And since Shery's been on a real flower kick lately, I made this.

My birthday wishes are stamped on a beautiful wine label sent to me by the lovely Jacqueline D. (the queen of wine label cards). I paired it with the Masking with Die Cuts technique from Make it Monday #170 using some PTI floral images. Hope you like it Shery!

As part of our little celebration for Shery, we of the STAMPlorations DT are sharing not only a card, but a bit of information about ourselves. Ready?

1. My favorite STAMPlorations stamp is Chevron and Arrows cuz I love the graphic images AND the size and font of the sentiments.

2. My favorite piece of writing.... I'm gonna ramble here, scroll if you must.... First off, I love that it's not "What's your favorite book?" (great job Nonni and Sandie) Writing. I love Hemingway's. Bare bones. Nuff said.

And strange but true, the first writing that came to my mind was not Hemingway, but this ... 'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'

I've had a thing about The Velveteen Rabbit for years. Started when I read those lines from it in some romantic novel back in the 80s. I was moved. I bought the book (illustrated by Michael Hague). Which started my collection of wonderfully illustrated children's books...

Fast forward to 1996. When my son was born, BFF gave DS a stuffed rabbit (yep, velveteen). TIP: Little Me makes the best/softest baby things.

"Michael" literally became a part of our family. Michael went everywhere with us. Slept with DS who would rub his little tail while falling asleep. Had to get re-stuffed once or twice and have his tail repaired. Went on school outings, although he may have spent the entire time hidden in DS's backpack.  Heck, he could have had his own free flight from so many frequent flier miles (in the cabin with us of course)!

Fast forward to 2014. Where is Michael today? I happen to know that he is tossed up into the darkest corner of DS's closet. Did you catch that? He is still in DS's closet. Yes, folks, I believe Michael has become real. (And I'm certain that somewhere in DS's oh-so-hard-for-me-to-understand innards, he knows what real love is.)

So, on to 3. Shery, you are amazingly talented! You are a gifted artist and businesswoman. You are an incredibly generous lady.  You've got the energy of five people with hats in ten rings and you manage to keep them all running smoothly. It is truly a pleasure working with you. Here's wishing you health, happiness and success in the coming year and on your journey to becoming "Real-er".

Supplies for birthday wishes:
Paper:  Papermania, wine label, vellum
Stamps: PTI
Ink : Hero Arts, green Distress Inks
Tools: leaf dies PTI
Other: Post Its for masking


  1. Fun to learn what you like, Maria! Wonderful card - those colors and the wine label - love it, Shery will, too!

  2. Awesome recycling of the wine label!!

  3. That wine label is amazing on that gorgeous floral BG u created and so is ur post, love to read ur posts. Shery is gonna love it !

  4. Lovely post, Maria ... gorgeous card for Shery ... and complete with French wine label ... gotta love it! Anita :)

  5. Such a clever idea to use toe wine label on your card... Great card.

  6. Okay, I just have to start by saying hahahaha coz we did it again! You said more or less the same thing I just did on my post about what people do in October only I said Halloween!! Since we are in each other's heads, can you clean out the Playhouse for me and I'll walk the puppy for you?!

    Your card and post for Shery are just superbly written, Maria! That card is right up Shery's alley for sure! And I really felt you about your DS and his stuffed rabbit. For our Dan it was "Wally the Walrus" (I know it's not a very original name, but when you are seven, that's what you come up with!) and when he went to college, I kept it although I couldn't have said why as I'm more of a "move on" person. Now all these years later, it is so extra special to see his twins playing with and loving that same sweet walrus! For the sake of future generations, hang on to Michael! Hugs, Darnell

  7. This is just fabulous and so clever to use a wine label on your card, I love it! You crack me up about the bad TV in October, interesting though that more babies are born on September 16th than any other day, and that tells me it must be the Christmas holidays instead or TV or Halloween like Darnell mentioned. Again, fabulous card!

  8. You had me laughing at the first sentence, Maria! And you're right...I've been on a flower kick lately and WOW, this card is GORGEOUS! I have been staring at it for a good long while trying to take in and pick apart all the layers and I'm blown away by how sophisticated it looks! I totally dig the expert masking and needless to say, I LOVE the card :o) Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself and letting me (and all your wonderful blog followers and friends) read about your DS and Michael! I enjoyed YOUR piece of writing! And I'm truly blessed to know you!

  9. Beautiful card Maria and what a great post! Thank you for sharing the story of Michael. :) Have a fun Sunday! xxx

  10. Maria, thanks for sharing! Absolutely LOVE how you adorned the wine label and gave it such a fitting place on this beautiful card. I have a Pinterest Board especially for wine label cards, so I will be reminded of and be able to enjoy your inspiration.

  11. Wonderful post. And a beautiful card, so full of interest. And DH thinks Deutschland will win ;)

  12. The card is an absolute beauty, the wine label goes so well with your flowers and colors... very nature inspired!
    Loved to read your post. I didn't know the story of The Velveteen Rabbit, but those lines are really sweet and full of meaning. I also love children's books, mostly because of the illustrations, but also for the innuendos for adults that many of them seem to have. One day I attended a conference about childhood literature, as audience, and I was amazed with the explanation about the subliminal messages for adults in an apparently oh so simple book for children. The author is German - Jutta Bauer - and the book is Selma, maybe you know... of course I had to have this meaningful little book :). Sorry for all the writing.

  13. Oh, this is so pretty! Love the colorful flowers and the vellum tag!


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